DAO enzyme supplements, updated articles
New on Genetic Lifehacks:
DAO Enzyme Supplements: Research Studies and Genetic Connections
Diamine oxidase, or DAO, is an enzyme produced primarily in the gut to break down histamine from food or the gut microbiome. Supplements containing DAO can help with histamine-related symptoms. Clinical studies show that taking DAO with meals decreases gastrointestinal issues, hives, hours of migraine pain, and respiratory problems. This article dives into the research on DAO supplements - along with genetic variants that decrease your natural DAO enzyme production.
Major article updates:
COMT Gene: Neurotransmitter Levels, Estrogen Metabolism
COMT is an enzyme that breaks down neurotransmitters and estrogen metabolites. This updated article looks at common and lesser-known COMT variants that impact neurotransmitter levels along with a more in-depth explanation of the background science.
New on Longevity Lifehacks:
IL-11 and Extending Healthspan and Lifespan
A look at the new study showing that IL-11 inhibition increased healthspan and lifespan (25%) in mice.
Coming soon:
Retinal detachment
Interesting new studies:
1) Epigenome-wide association study of fluoride exposure during early adolescence and DNA methylation among U.S. children
I'm not sure what to make of this study. It shows that higher fluoride levels in the urine of 12-year-olds in Cincinnati are associated with epigenetic changes. The altered methylation regions mapped "to genes with key roles in psychiatric outcomes, social interaction, and cognition, as well as immunologic and metabolic phenotypes."
2. Acute nicotinamide riboside supplementation increases human cerebral NAD+ levels in vivo
This study shows that nicotinamide riboside (NR) increases NAD+ levels in the brain. The dose used was 900 mg. This is the first study in humans showing that NR is likely crossing the blood-brain barrier.
Graphical overview of the new article (for all the visual learners):